88th Oscars Best Picture Hors D’oeuvres Blog

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“Spreading the love, one recipe at a time!”

The back-story that inspired the menu that inspired the recipes! Foodie and Love stories combining love, romance, and adventure (remember this is all fiction my friends)! Let me take my paintbrush, paint the scene and the mood to take you there…

Inspired quote to love by: “If the boy and girl walk off into the sunset hand-in-hand in the last scene, it adds 10 million to the box office” ~ George Lucas

FOODIE DATELINE: Hunger for Awards

Where: Your TV

When: New Years 2016

Mood: Gripped

Emotion: Joy

2016 Awards Tour Guide!

The 88th Oscars Best Picture Hors D’oeuvres Menu of course pairs perfectly with all awards! And with awards season right around the corner, you almost need a guide to keep track of all the dates (yes, we do think of everything)! Here are some of the big ones to saddle up to:

2016 People’s Choice Awards, live from Los Angeles at 9 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016 on CBS.

73rd annual Golden Globe awards will air Sunday, Jan. 10, 2016 live on NBC from the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, California.

58th annual Grammy Awards will be held Monday, Feb. 15, 2016 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California.

FOODIE DATELINE: Walking into Spain’s Sunset

Where: Northern Spain

When: Springtime 2015

Mood: Hopeful

Emotion: Joy 

Spain’s All-time Favourite Starring Dish – Patatas Bravas

I travelled all the way to Spain to taste this amazingly delicious Patatas Bravas dish (see what I won’t do for you)! I even hiked along the el Camino trail (The Way) for 11 days in search of ‘the’ best Patatas Bravas – yes, into the sunset towards the west. OK, I’ll be truthful (I always tell the truth) – I didn’t hike every single day of those 11 days – I had to take the bus a few times due to a few minor hiking issues (hey – it happens even to be best of us, I’m just being honest). I would have to admit that I’d call my el Camino more like an el Camino ‘Lite’ – it wasn’t a full-strength ‘Camino’ as my hiking boots weren’t properly fitted unfortunately (oh and it was 33 degrees celsuis as well).

Trade Secret

I digress, now back to the food…what I discovered as I ate my way along the Camino is that the Spaniards absolutely LOVE their Patatas Bravas – crispy, spicy potatoes. This dish appears on almost every single menu…at least it did on the menus that I drooled over. As I ventured into each new restaurant, I tasted their version, each ‘house’ has their own unique version – it’s guarded like a national secret. The recipe that I share with you is my version of the best Patatas Bravas dish that I tasted. I loved the crisp potatoes, the smokey sauce and I especially love the fact that this dish looks like a piece of Spanish food art. I know you’ll LOVE it…enjoy. Try not to be too dazzled and distracted by the Starring Patatas Bravas as you watch the Oscars!

El Camino Lite

Hiking the el Camino was an absolutely incredible experience (despite my hiking boots and the heat). It’s an opportunity to explore the beauty of Spain’s north, as you explore yourself. The people, both the Pilgrims and the locals are incredibly friendly and hospitable – the world comes together as one. It’s like being wrapped in a warm blanket as you traipse through stunning scenery and meet incredible people from around the globe. I highly recommend the experience, it’s one that I’ll never, ever forget. I’ll share more another time…I have to get back to watching the Oscars…enjoy and may your favourite film win!


Jackie's 'signature'_Briar Rose

Check out the complete “88th Oscars Best Picture Hors D’oeuvres” menu