Balanced Herbal Nettle Tea Tonic.
This highly nutritional Nettle Tea is satisfyingly refreshing, with a mellow, rich, gentle ‘green’ flavour and a slightly bitter 'hay-like' taste (not that I make it a habit to eat hay)! Nettles are said to be deeply supportive and nurturing, both physically and emotionally, supporting our hair, nails, organs and other bodily systems. Dried Nettle leaves are full of essential minerals and vitamins, this is one of the most nourishing drinks you can drink! Nettle tea is even helpful when coping with allergies, believe it or not! Note: Nettles work well for balancing blood sugar levels for some people, however, use stinging nettles with caution if you have diabetes because of the potential that nettles may lower or may also raise blood sugar levels.
Bring water to a boil, add the fresh nettle leaves (or dried leaves) and reduce the heat down to medium. Steep nettle leaves in the water for 5 minutes 5 Minutes (if want stronger flavour, steep longer). Add honey, cinnamon stick and cardamom to enhance the taste, dust with cinnamon. Enjoy your hot, nutritional beverage!
Bring water to a boil, add the fresh nettle leaves (or dried leaves) and reduce the heat down to medium. Steep nettle leaves in the water for 5 minutes 5 Minutes (if want stronger flavour, steep longer). Add honey, cinnamon stick and cardamom to enhance the taste, dust with cinnamon. Enjoy your hot, nutritional beverage!