“Put a Little Love in Your Heart” Julia Child’s Cheese Tartlets

Kitchen Confidence Rating Scale:

Budget Rating Scale:

Yields1 Serving
 12 small tart shells or make your own pie dough (enough dough for 2-9-inch crusts)
 ½ cup Cheddar, Fontina or Swiss Cheese (a good melting cheese)
 2/3 cup creme fraiche (recipe below)
 1 large egg
 1/2 teaspoon sea salt**
 Dash of hot pepper sauce

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Make Crème Fraiche

Prep time: 20 minutes (recipe makes extra)


1 cup heavy cream


1 tablespoon plain yogurt


In saucepan over very low heat, combine heavy cream and yogurt, warm, stirring constantly, just until mixture reaches body temperature. Pour into metal or glass bowl; cover with plastic and place in warm spot. Let thicken for 24-48 hours. It should look like yogurt. Refrigerate until ready to use (it will thicken more in the refrigerator).


If you make your own small tart shells, roll out pie dough to 1/8 inch thickness and cut into circles a little bigger than the tops of the tins in a muffin tin pan. Press pie dough circles into tins, with piecrusts coming to the tops of the tins.


Place grated cheese in each tin, filling almost to top of tins. Mix remaining ingredients together and pour a little of this mixture into each muffin tin, filling almost to tops of tins. (NOTE: You can add a sprinkle of dried herbs on top, such as thyme, as a garnish if you like). Place filled muffin tins on top of a baking sheet and bake for 15 to 18 minutes 15 Minutes, until lightly browned and set in centres.


** Salt may not be needed if a salty cheese is used. Taste your cheese before deciding how much salt to add.

Phyllo Cooking Tips: Thaw frozen phyllo overnight to prevent damp spots. When working with thawed phyllo, dampen a paper towel and squeeze dry, open and keep over phyllo while preparing sheets. This will help them from drying out. Use scissors to cut out the phyllo circle.

Gourmet Safari Rating Scales

Kitchen Confidence Rating Scale:

We’ve designed a handy ‘from the heart’ kitchen confidence rating scale for you to guide you through the recipes (yep, we think of everything)!
= Everyday deliciously simple. Pretty quick, just get the food on the table pronto!
= Put your heart into it! Takes a little more time ‘n TLC!
= Go the extra mile! Gourmet – takes time and/or special ingredients and/or technique – worth the extra effort for the impressive WOW factor!
= You walk on water! You must be a Chef!

Budget Rating Scale:

We’ve designed a handy budget rating scale for you to guide you (and your wallet) through the recipes. Recipes are graded from the ‘high-end caviar-type budget’ to the ‘lower-end spam canned meat type-budget’.
= Spam (aka low budget)
= Mac ‘n Cheese (aka mid budget)
= Filet Mignon (aka higher budget)
= Caviar (aka expensive…but you’re worth it!)


 12 small tart shells or make your own pie dough (enough dough for 2-9-inch crusts)
 ½ cup Cheddar, Fontina or Swiss Cheese (a good melting cheese)
 2/3 cup creme fraiche (recipe below)
 1 large egg
 1/2 teaspoon sea salt**
 Dash of hot pepper sauce



Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Make Crème Fraiche

Prep time: 20 minutes (recipe makes extra)


1 cup heavy cream


1 tablespoon plain yogurt


In saucepan over very low heat, combine heavy cream and yogurt, warm, stirring constantly, just until mixture reaches body temperature. Pour into metal or glass bowl; cover with plastic and place in warm spot. Let thicken for 24-48 hours. It should look like yogurt. Refrigerate until ready to use (it will thicken more in the refrigerator).


If you make your own small tart shells, roll out pie dough to 1/8 inch thickness and cut into circles a little bigger than the tops of the tins in a muffin tin pan. Press pie dough circles into tins, with piecrusts coming to the tops of the tins.


Place grated cheese in each tin, filling almost to top of tins. Mix remaining ingredients together and pour a little of this mixture into each muffin tin, filling almost to tops of tins. (NOTE: You can add a sprinkle of dried herbs on top, such as thyme, as a garnish if you like). Place filled muffin tins on top of a baking sheet and bake for 15 to 18 minutes 15 Minutes, until lightly browned and set in centres.


** Salt may not be needed if a salty cheese is used. Taste your cheese before deciding how much salt to add.


“Put a Little Love in Your Heart” Julia Child’s Cheese Tartlets
