Steppin’ Out Lookin’ for Mr. Right Blog
Posted on September 13, 2015 by Jackie DeKnock No comments
“Spreading love, one recipe at a time!”
The back-story that inspired the menu that inspired the recipes! Foodie and Love stories combining love, romance, sex and adventure (remember this is all fiction my friends)! Let me take my paintbrush, paint the scene and the mood to take you there…
Inspired Quote: “It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” ~ J.K. Rowling
Ready? Get Set. Go!
Ready to step out and look for love in all the right places? Gather your girlfriends for your first foray or return to the kitchen (keeping in mind that you can make this for ‘Mr Right’ when he comes along, so nothing lost and everything gained). Make this delicious taste of sophistication – what could be ‘more’ sophisticated than French cuisine? Let’s go back to the 60’s and ‘Master the Art of French Cooking’ with Julia Child. Her memory still lives on with this not overly complex menu, thank you Julia Child. Bring back the taste of the good ole days, enjoy every single bite then get out there and shine with style and sophistication, because you’re worth it! Let’s assess the situation ‘out there’…come along…
Love Dateline: Hello, Hello…Are You Out There?
Where: Anywhere on the planet!
When: Any time!
Mood: Ready to go out and risking opening your heart!
The One?
Many of us believe that there is “the one” out there for us, the one true perfect love of our entire lifetime. Is there or isn’t there? Hmm? I’m not sure what the answer is to this complex question? Being honest, I had thought at times that I had met ‘the one,’ my perfect match, Mr Right, and then I backtracked, reconsidered and finally recanted (or they did…sigh). Is this indeed true, is there one true love or has someone been lying to me (us) all this time? It’s always true in the romantic movies that we all LOVE to consume (or is it just me) and wish that our lives resembled in some way, shape or form (or is it just me being a hopeless romantic…I hope not)!
Lookin’ for Love
We all look for “the one” in the hopes that we’ll find our perfect match – forever. Considering the fact that there are 7.3 billion people on the planet currently (if you don’t believe me, check out this link), perhaps there are more perfect matches for each one of us than just one! Food for thought…this is a game changer (at least for me) and worth pondering! Maybe rather than searching and settling for just one, there are perhaps countless perfect matches out there! Hmmm. Now this could just be starting to make sense?!
Now Hiring
If this is the truth, then it makes sense to date and get to know as many as possible during your ‘selection process’ and to consider dating as ‘research’ and ‘due diligence.’ It’s a whole new way to look at the dating process – why not ‘shop around’, and not take yourself off the ‘love’ market until you find ‘the ones’ (plural). Kind of like the job interview process too (without the job), in search of the person(s) who is/are ‘the’ perfect fit and who has the whole ‘package’ at that moment in time for you. That’s a key statement…”at that moment in time.” As we all know, and I especially know, life is all about change. What you want today in a relationship may not be what you want tomorrow. So, as I have done, if he isn’t who you thought he was, then continue on with your ‘selection process,’ there are potentially more perfect matches in the big sea of love! Good news for those who are single and searching, a breath of fresh air, don’t panic there are more than enough to go around. Ahhhhhhh, that feels better already. And the even more gratifying piece of good news is that you can always re-use and recycle this menu over and over and over again until you meet Mr Right!! It doesn’t have a ‘best before date’ as some men do!! Keep looking and cooking until you find love! Be love and you will find love.
PS Love your food, what comes from the heart touches the heart! Craving isn’t a ‘Bad Word,’ food IS sexy!
PSS Now that you’re ‘out there’ lookin’ for love, I came up with this handy wallet-sized ‘Man Ranking Scale’ – pull it out when you need it! It’s similar to the Richter Magnitude Scale that measures earthquakes (the idea came to me as I survived a major earthquake in Vegas years ago). I’ll grade each man of my life at the time of my Love Dateline story! Feel free to grade the man of your life, If he’s a +10 (and I hope he is), I’d say go for it!:
Check out the complete “Steppin’ Out Lookin’ for Mr. Right” menu!
Foodie Dateline: My Love Affair
Where: France
When: Springtime 1986
Mood: Open to meeting ‘the one’
Emotion: Pure joy and bliss
I thought the headline might grab you…
When I lived in Paris, I discovered that France, without a doubt, is truly is ‘the’ country of love and romance. I went on to fall in love, no, not with a man…with Salade Nicoise (that’s how you know that I’m truly a foodie)! Here’s my quick story and how my love affair began (I admit, I am in love with this salad, I’d never keep that from you). The first time I took a bite, I was hooked (you know how it is). I was in Nice back in 1986, having taken a short weekend escape from my nanny duties in Paris (working for a film actress can be very demanding). I thought that the Parisian salads that I was introduced to in Paris were amazing…that is, until I was introduced to Salade Nicoise when my love affair began. It was May, springtime, the best time for a salad as seasonal produce is oh, so fresh and at its peak (especially in the south of France). So…I’m sure that you can understand how my love affair began…springtime, south of France…what could be more romantic? My friend and I sat at an outdoor restaurant and I brazenly ordered a salad that I could barely pronounce. It arrived at the table; I took a bite and LOVED IT right then and there, on the spot! The crunch, the freshness, the zing, the flavours co-mingled all together to create a delicious medley of tastes in my mouth. PURE LOVE. My Mom will also be happy to know that this salad is nutritious too, it has absolutely every food group covered and includes love! When I ordered, I had no idea that this salad is a traditional salad originating from Nice…I was right there at its birthplace and at the perfect time of year…who knew?! That’s serendipity for you. I got much more than I bargained for – a salad that was delicious, refreshing, with ingredients right from the farmers field! It was a taste of pure sunshine on my plate. Check out this recipe – Julia Child has a beautiful, artful way of creating this work-of-art on a plate, I hope that you enjoy this salad as much as I did when I fell in love. I don’t think I’ll ever find another salad to love so much…maybe there ‘is’ just one salad to love in the world!! Bon Appetit! Food nurtures your soul.
Wish you were here!